Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Spring Training!!!

It's the most wonderful time of the year! ...hahaha and you thought that was Christmas. Not in this house at least. It's Red Sox spring training. I love this stinking team and you can think I'm nuts all you want but, again, it's my blog and I'll Red Sox it all I want! Now we just wait until the regular season starts in April.
I'm a geek, but you all love me anyway! :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's my Blog-a-versary!!!

A whole year of blogging!! I remember when I first started blogging it was Amanda's first bloggy birthday and she was having everyone take pictures of themselves with their computers. I didn't read her's until after I already saw several blogs with pictures of these weirdos hugging their computers.... ahhhh....first impressions are everything aren't they?!? In honor of my 1st bloggy birthday I've comprised a short recap of the past year.

  1. Tree Men are exciting to watch.
  2. And HOT
  3. I still know nothing about our new neighbors
  4. My long lost friend since I was 5 is now a very close friend again. We are having dinner together in a few weeks.
  5. I still wear these almost daily.
  6. I still deal with this almost daily.
  7. I cannot number a list past 9
  8. I have not learned how to hotwire a bulldozer to spite my best efforts.
  9. I have forgotten all about these until right this second, and will now excuse myself to have some for lunch.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Titanic Anyone??

Friday, February 13, 2009

We Are SOOOO Over!!

I've had it. I've been stood up for the last time, and now I'm moving on. I'm through. Bloglines has failed to update a number of my favorite feeds, and I'm ticked! It seems as though I'm always having a hangup with Bloglines. I miss so much stuff, and because I have no idea that anything is wrong, I have no idea I even missed anything until something sparks me to go to that site. OhAmanda, and A Life of Blue are the latest blogline victims. I'm not the world's best commenter so they probably didn't know that I haven't been there, but I feel guilty nonetheless. I'm back and caught up, and I will now be moving on to a different reader. Any suggestions??

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stick a Fork In Me!

I'M DONE! ....and I love it! Do you like the newer new look??? I think it's totally me, and totally adorable. Now, the only hang up is that leeeettle sidebar right --->there that is all crammed together. Any thoughts on how I can stretch out the text so it's centered nicely under the heading?!?!? It's for everyone's benefit .... poor Amanda - or should I say Ohaman da, see the sooner I get this all fixed the more nomal the rest of you look!!! :)
So show me the feedback? You likey!?!?!?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What do you do when it's suddenly WARM??

You GET THE HECK OUT! Today has topped out at 61 degrees - thank you LORD!
and then get as wet as you possibly can.

Go inside, toss you clothes in the dryer and put dry clothes on, then go back outside for lunch!

Wrastle with a giant caterpillar....

And then throw the couch cushins on the floor and take a nap -the PERFECT day!!!

...no they were not actually sleeping in this picture.

**Just a side note, I know my blog looks like doodoo - I haven't forgotten about it. Work in progress, just remember work in progress!!! :)

Friday, February 6, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons... or snow

We interrupt this bloggy week that I have completely slacked off on to have a little indoor winter fun courtesy of My Charming Kids (I cannot get enough of this blog!!). She gave me some spectacular ideas that preempted our Valentine making. After all, we have to play with the snow while there is still snow out side to be put into the sink, am I right. At the rate we're going, this will all be gone by Thanksgiving. So here ya go, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. If your sick of looking at the snow, embrace it - it does make you feel better for a little while. :o)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Making Sensitive Boys Part 1

This year, Valentines day can mean something to James. He's old enough now to understand love and that we have one day in which we make a point to let all the people we love know how we feel about them. It's not about romance when your 3 it's about recognizing the day as a holiday and participating. So, I have made it a point to play up Valentines day in hopes that if this is a tradition to him, like Christmas, he will treat it as a special day for ever and ever amen. You're welcome all future girlfriends.

Aiden is a lost cause. He's 17months old, I still have time. But for now allow me to share a product review. Crayola Beginnings Tadoodles first markers - not so good. First, they naturally sit so the marker part is up so there is no way for a child to pick them up without markering himself, and then for a 17mo. old to finagle it around to fit in his palm just so that the teeny marker part makes contact with the paper - yah, it's nearly impossible. And second - this one is HUGE, Do not freak out when your 17mo. old sucks on the end of the red marker thingy because it is the EXACT same color as blood..... be advised, no children were harmed in the making of this Valentine.

Moving on. James was in hog heaven with stickers, glitter glue, markers, glue sticks. He's gonna be a professional Valentine Maker someday.
His only hang up is that without glue, everything must be licked in order to be stuck to something. Thank you Blues Clues.

But stickers can be stuck sans lick.

Then sign your name as a "Secret Admirer".

Don't forget about the other child. His Valentines are just as special, even if they are half chewed.

Hmmmm.....How am I going to eat this........

Monday, February 2, 2009

Here's To My New Home!

Thanks for sticking with me and following me over to the new place. I'm loving it, and learning a scary amount of stuff about HTML and I still don't know what those letters stand for -but they rule the bloggy layout tweeking world. Please accept my apologies that, until I learn a little more, or someone takes pity on me things are going to be a little off to the left. I can't seem to figure out how to either widen the background, or center it so it just is behind the post portion leaving the sidebars in the dark. In a perfect world, the black portion would be a lighter color - and the brown background & header (is that what it's called?) would be wide enough to contain both sidebars - see I know what I want!! It's a work in progress, but completely functional, and I'm more in love with it than I ever was at the old place.

Anyway - here I am. To kick off the new diggs, I'm going to do a week of valentine making. Starting tomorrow (I guess that makes it a little less than a week) the boys and I are going to get cracking on making some serious Valentines to send out to our loved ones. We need to get a jump on it because the are going in the mail, and I'm NEVER good about mailing stuff out on time. I guess that takes the guess out of why I'm not the one responsible for the bills in the house. Hmmm......

So moving along.... more fun stuff to come later in the week. If I had a cute little button to commemorate my new blog and my "Saving Valentines Day One Boy at a Time" campaign it would be right here. But I don't (someday I might thought - so be ready!!!!) so for now you just have to TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!!

Check in tomorrow to see what kinds of fun we're up to!