Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's my Blog-a-versary!!!

A whole year of blogging!! I remember when I first started blogging it was Amanda's first bloggy birthday and she was having everyone take pictures of themselves with their computers. I didn't read her's until after I already saw several blogs with pictures of these weirdos hugging their computers.... ahhhh....first impressions are everything aren't they?!? In honor of my 1st bloggy birthday I've comprised a short recap of the past year.

  1. Tree Men are exciting to watch.
  2. And HOT
  3. I still know nothing about our new neighbors
  4. My long lost friend since I was 5 is now a very close friend again. We are having dinner together in a few weeks.
  5. I still wear these almost daily.
  6. I still deal with this almost daily.
  7. I cannot number a list past 9
  8. I have not learned how to hotwire a bulldozer to spite my best efforts.
  9. I have forgotten all about these until right this second, and will now excuse myself to have some for lunch.


  1. Happy Blog-a-versary!!! Wow, has it been a year? Congrats to you girl..

  2. happy blog-a-versary! so, when do we see a pic of you kissing your computer?!!
