Friday, February 13, 2009

We Are SOOOO Over!!

I've had it. I've been stood up for the last time, and now I'm moving on. I'm through. Bloglines has failed to update a number of my favorite feeds, and I'm ticked! It seems as though I'm always having a hangup with Bloglines. I miss so much stuff, and because I have no idea that anything is wrong, I have no idea I even missed anything until something sparks me to go to that site. OhAmanda, and A Life of Blue are the latest blogline victims. I'm not the world's best commenter so they probably didn't know that I haven't been there, but I feel guilty nonetheless. I'm back and caught up, and I will now be moving on to a different reader. Any suggestions??


  1. I switched over to Google Reader, months ago, and never looked back. I had the same issue with bloglines, but I was missing WEEKS of posts! And then there were times that I couldn't even log on to the dang thing. So I left.

    Good luck!

  2. Feedemon, tied into a NewsGator account:

  3. I know! I've had enough of Bloglines and its failure to regularly update the feeds. Drives me crazy. I'm off to look into Google Reader...wanna join me? :-)
